Learn Web Design and Start a Profitable Freelance Career

Build wordpress websites using elementor & find freelance web design/development clients to start web design business.

September 2024

Start Date








Skill Level

What you'll learn

Who this course is for:


Bootcamp Curriculum

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


This course will teach you web design skills, how to position yourself as a freelancer, and how to land high-paying clients.

You’ll be learning about the tools you need to build captivating websites, both free and paid and when to use them

You’ll see how to create websites that support SEO ranking for your client’s business growth and how to design websites that are both desktop and mobile-friendly.

Speaking of your client’s business, you’ll learn how to stand out as a web designer so you can gain their trust and work with them

This process of standing out will walk you through setting up a professional profile and engaging in reputable projects, and building a convincing portfolio, all of which will help you excel as a freelancer

You’ll learn how to blend your designs to fit any industry you’ll be carrying a project for. This guarantees client satisfaction and continuity.

This course will equally guide you on niching down if you wish to.

So, if you’re intentional about building a career as a freelance web designer then you should start this course with the right mindset and commitment. 

What are you waiting for?

Enroll today and start your journey as a Successful Website Designer in 2024.

Don't know if it's right for you? 🤔

We’ve got you covered. Take our Digital Jobs 101 crash course and discover the different skills and job opportunities that match your lifestyle.



One time payment before 31st of August, 2024


₦40,000 Flexible Payment

Split into THREE flexible payments before 31st of August, 2024


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