10 Angel Investors in Nigeria that are STILL Active

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Knowing the right angel investors in Nigeria might be all you need to bring your brilliant idea to life.

Angel investors are like the superheroes of the business world. They are individuals who provide financial support to founders in exchange for equity. These investors will fund your business if it’s innovative and has fast growth potential. 

Beyond financial support, they also bring valuable expertise, networks, and mentorship to the table. 

So, if you’re seeking capital and guidance, keep reading to discover the names and backgrounds of these ten angel investors who could potentially help turn your dreams into reality.

Are there Angel Investors in Nigeria?

The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Nigeria has a rapidly growing startup ecosystem, with talented and ambitious entrepreneurs driving innovation across various sectors. As a result, angel investors have recognised the potential and are actively spreading their wings in Nigeria.

In recent years, the Nigerian startup scene has witnessed a surge in angel investor activity. These investors play a pivotal role in fueling the growth of early-stage ventures. They do this by injecting capital and nurturing them to thrive in the competitive market. 

Angel investors in Nigeria come from various backgrounds, like successful entrepreneurs, experienced executives, and even angel investment networks. Their goal is to find promising startups like yours and provide the resources needed to turn ideas into reality. 

Many angel investors in Nigeria have walked the entrepreneurial path themselves and learned valuable lessons. Their insights help startups navigate challenges and avoid pitfalls in building a successful business.

How to Get Angel Investors in Nigeria

So, you’ve got a brilliant startup idea and are ready to take it to the next level. But you’re probably wondering, “How can I get angel investors in Nigeria to support my venture?” Well, here are some steps to help you attract those angel investors and secure the funding you need.

1. Refine your Business Plan

First things first, start by refining your business plan. Make sure it’s clear, concise, and compelling. Also, outline your unique value proposition, target market, revenue model, and growth strategy. A well-crafted business plan will grab the attention of angel investors and show them that you mean business.

2. Polish your Elevator Pitch

Next, polish your elevator pitch. Imagine you bump into an angel investor in an elevator and only have a few minutes to impress them. Your pitch should clearly communicate your startup’s vision, problem-solving capabilities, and market potential. Practise it until it flows effortlessly from your lips.

3. Network Actively

Now, it’s time to tap into your network. Networking is key when it comes to finding angel investors. Attend startup events, join entrepreneurship communities, and engage with industry experts. Building meaningful relationships can lead to valuable connections and introductions to potential angel investors. Remember, sometimes it’s not just what you know, but who you know.

4. Take Advantage of the Internet

It’s difficult to be everywhere at the same time. Numerous angel investor networks are designed to connect startups with investors. Research and explore these platforms to showcase your startup and attract potential investors. 

You can also showcase your startup on social media, create a professional website, and maintain an active presence in relevant online communities. In addition, having a solid online presence can attract the attention of angel investors.

5. Share your Pitch Deck

Once you’ve contacted potential angel investors, be prepared to share your pitch deck. A pitch deck is a visual presentation that provides an overview of your startup. This often includes your team, market analysis, competitive advantage, and financial projections. Create a compelling and visually appealing pitch deck that effectively tells your startup’s story.

When meeting with angel investors, be authentic, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable. Show them your passion for your venture and your commitment to its success. Be open to feedback and questions, and be prepared to answer them confidently.

6. Be Persistent and Patient 

Lastly, remember that securing angel investments takes time and persistence. Rejection is part of the game, but don’t let it discourage you. Instead, learn from each experience, refine your approach, and keep pushing forward.

List of Angel Investors in Nigeria

Now that you know how to get angel investors in Nigeria, it’s time to identify the players in the game. These individuals have a track record of supporting and investing in promising startups. So, let’s dive in and discover some potential angel investors to add to your contact list.

1. Olugbenga Agboola

Olugbenga Agboola is a super impressive entrepreneur in the payments industry. He’s the co-founder and CEO of Flutterwave, a company that’s growing really fast!

Not only is Olugbenga leading this awesome fintech company, but he’s also a big believer in the power of startups. In fact, he has personally invested in more than 17 different startups. 

Even though he’s focused on his fintech gig, Olugbenga still finds time to invest in other fintech companies. In 2022, he invested in startups like Sudo, Spleet, and Klump. Talk about diversifying your portfolio!

But wait, there’s more! Olugbenga’s latest investment came in June 2022, when he jumped on board with Afropolitan’s $2.1 million pre-seed round. He’s always on the lookout for exciting opportunities to support promising ventures.

Connect with Agboola.

2. Olumide Soyombo

Olumide Soyombo is a well-known angel investor and entrepreneur. He’s the co-founder of Bluechip Technologies Ltd., and he’s all about investing in African technological innovation.

Olumide is also the founder of LeadPath, a special fund that focuses on providing seed capital to local tech startups. He’s all about supporting and nurturing the next generation of tech innovators.

With two decades of experience, Olumide has been involved in various sectors like fintech, e-commerce, consumer internet, and ed-tech. 

He has invested in companies like Paystack, PushCV, Mono, and Gloopro. These are just a few examples of the exciting ventures he’s been a part of.

Connect with Olumide.

3. Jason Njoku

Jason Njoku is a successful entrepreneur from Britain and Nigeria. He’s known for his work in the film industry and as an investor in African startups. 

Jason is the brains behind iROKOtv, a popular platform for streaming movies and TV shows. But that’s not all! He’s also one of the co-founders of Spark Capital. 

Way back in August 2013, Jason, along with his business partners Bastian Gotter and Mary Remmy Njoku, started something awesome. They launched a $2 million investment fund for Spark Capital. 

Since then, they’ve been keen on investing in promising media, fintech, healthcare, edtech, SaaS, and real estate ventures. His portfolio includes Foto, Paystack, MedSaf, and Ogavenue.

Connect with Jason.

4. Iyinoluwa Aboyeji

Iyinoluwa Aboyeji is the person behind Future Africa, a company that helps ambitious innovators in Africa. Before that, he was the boss at Flutterwave. This guy is a big deal! He’s been recognised as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, made it onto Forbes’ prestigious 30 under 30 list, and even serves on Nigeria’s Policy and Competitiveness Advisory Council.

Aboyeji focuses on consumer internet, enterprise software, logistics, and financial services. He’s got his finger in a lot of pies! And speaking of pies, he has some exciting companies in his portfolio. There’s Stitch, Chaka Technologies, and Lori Systems.

Connect with Aboyeji.

5. Babs Ogundeyi

Babs Ogundeyi is a key player in the fintech startup scene in 2022. He made investments in at least four fintech startups throughout the year. His final investment for the year took place in October 2022, when he participated in Maplerad’s Seed Round. This Lagos-based fintech startup successfully raised $6 million.

Babs invested in Zazuu, Klump, and Casava earlier in the year, demonstrating his active involvement in the industry. Currently, he holds the position of Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at Kuda Bank. Kuda Bank is Nigeria’s first full-service digital bank, providing various financial services.

Connect with Babs.

6. Kola Aina

Kola Aina is the founding partner at Venture Platform. Venture Platform is a venture capital fund that supports early-stage startups in Africa. Kola is passionate about fostering the growth of African entrepreneurs. He is also the founder of Ventures Park, a co-working space and community designed for entrepreneurs. 

Kola has a successful track record of investing in top-notch companies with high growth potential. His investment portfolio includes companies in the fintech, education, healthcare, and enterprise software sectors. Mono, Piggyvest, Reliance HMO, and Paystack are notable companies in his portfolio.

Connect with Kola.

7. Maya Horgan Famodu

Maya Horgan is a Nigerian-American venture capital investor and an entrepreneur recognised in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list. She founded Ingressive Capital, a venture fund worth $10 million that supports early-stage startups in Africa.

The inspiration behind starting Ingressive Capital came from Maya’s own experiences. She is determined to level the playing field and ensure talented individuals have access to the resources needed to build highly scalable businesses.

Ingressive Capital has an impressive portfolio of companies they have invested in. Some notable names include Paystack, 54gene, InvestBamboo, Vesicash, and Oze.

Maya Horgan is significantly impacting the African startup ecosystem by empowering entrepreneurs and fueling innovation. 

Connect with Maya.

8. Ham Serunjogi

Ham Serunjogi is the CEO and co-founder of Chipper Cash. Ham launched Chipper Cash in 2018 and has led the company since then.

In 2022, Ham invested in three startups, two of which were fintech startups. In July, he joined the pre-seed round of CreditChek, where the startup raised $240,000. Additionally, Ham was among the investors who participated in Sudo’s pre-seed round in March 2022, which raised $3.7 million. Finally, in January 2022, he participated in Carry1st’s Series A raise of $20 million.

Ham’s achievements in the industry were recognised in November 2022, when he was honoured as one of the Forbes 30 Under 30 in finance for 2023. His dedication and contributions have significantly impacted the world of finance.

Connect with Serunjogi.

9. Yele Bademosi

Yele Bademosi is not only an entrepreneur but also an investor. He started a venture capital firm, Microtraction, which supports early-stage startups. Microtraction has a plan to invest $65,000 in these budding businesses.

In an interview, Yele shared his vision and primary focus for Microtraction. First, he aims to boost the number of startups in Africa that are attractive to venture capitalists. His ultimate goal is to bridge the funding gap for startups in their early stages.

Some Nigerian startups that have benefited from Microtraction’s support include Cowrywise, BuyCoins, Wallets Africa, Allpro, and ThankUCash. These companies are part of Microtraction’s portfolio, showcasing the firm’s successful investments.

Connect with Bademosi.

10. Idris Ayodeji Bello

Idris “Afropreneur” Ayodeji Bello is not only the founding partner but also the portfolio manager at LoftyInc Capital Management, an innovation platform in Nigeria. 

Their focus is on accelerating the launch of technology startups in sectors that have a social impact. Particularly, they focus on the financial services, education, healthcare, and consumer internet sectors. Some notable companies in their portfolio include Andela, Tora, Mono, and Flutterwave.

Connect with Ayodeji.

Other ways to raise money besides angel investments

Even though angel investors play an important role in funding start-ups, there are other funding methods worth exploring. These include:


Competitions can be a great way to get funding for your business. These competitions not only offer cash prizes but also provide invaluable opportunities to connect with mentors and a larger network of investors. Two notable examples are the Tony Elumelu Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

Imagine the benefits of winning or even coming in second place! You’ll not only receive startup capital but also gain exposure and access to mentors and potential investors.


Grants are a fantastic opportunity for you to secure some startup capital. These nifty sums of money are given to startups without taking any ownership stake in their companies. 

Yep, you heard that right! Grants are like free startup capital where you don’t have to give away any shares of your precious company.

The good news is that there are numerous organisations offering grants to help startups like yours raise funds. They offer grants specifically for businesses that address certain categories or issues. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Bank of Industry (BOI) have grants designed for SMEs.

If your business aligns with their goals, why not give it a shot and apply? Who knows, luck might just be on your side!

Bank Loans

You can also set up your business really quickly using bank loans. But I won’t lie to you; banks can be a bit picky when it comes to loan requirements. They tend to have strict criteria that you need to meet. 

However, if you can fulfil those requirements, you’ll have a much easier time securing funds from the bank. And the best part? The process is often quick, so you won’t have to wait too long to get the money you need.

So, if you’re confident that you can meet the bank’s requirements, applying for a bank loan can be a smart move to raise funds for your SME. Give it a shot and see how it goes.

Connecting With Angel Investors in Nigeria – Final Thoughts

Starting a business in Nigeria is tough, but there are active angel investors who can help. You can attract these investors using the strategies provided in this guide.

The list of active angel investors in Nigeria is impressive, but the ones I listed here are among the most active. These investors have supported startups in various sectors, showing their commitment to fostering innovation. Connect with them on LinkedIn and pitch your ideas directly.

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