How to Make Money on Fiverr in Nigeria – Quick Free Guide

How to Make Money on Fiverr in Nigeria - Quick Free Guide

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Fiverr is the perfect place to go if you have the skills to render any service online. You can earn money there as a side hustle or even as a full-blown career.

In case you don’t know. Fiverr is an online marketplace where people from all backgrounds can offer their services in exchange for a fee. Services you can get paid for include writing, designing, programming, and voice-overs.

In this guide, I’ll show you exactly how to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria. You’ll learn tips and tricks that helped me succeed and avoid the mistakes I made when I started. 

Does Fiverr Work in Nigeria?

Fiverr is like a freelancing goldmine for Nigerians. It gives you access to a world of possibilities, letting you show off your talents and make a lot of money. Its enormous user base is what makes Fiverr so attractive. You can get in touch with clients from all around the world. They’re actively seeking talented freelancers like yourself. The demand is sky-high!

But here’s what sets Fiverr apart: You’re the one calling the shots. You get to set your rates and flaunt your expertise. You’re in control of your freelancing destiny. 

And the best part? 

You’ll be rubbing elbows with the best of the industry. That means endless learning opportunities and a chance to expand your professional network.

Let me tell you, many talented Nigerians have already struck gold on Fiverr. They’ve built their reputation, landed awesome gigs, and created a steady income stream.

You can be one of the high achievers on the platform. All you need are your skills, unwavering dedication, and hunger to dive headfirst into the thrilling world of freelancing. 

How Does Fiverr Work in Nigeria

Fiverr is pretty similar to other online freelance marketplaces. The services freelancers offer are called “Gigs.” These Gigs are provided by the Sellers (freelancers) and purchased by the Buyers (employers).

As a freelancer, you have to create a profile on Fiverr. Think of it as your virtual storefront where you showcase your skills and expertise. 

Once your profile is all set, they have two ways to get work:

Option one: the Buyer (a.k.a. client) stumbles upon their profile and makes a direct purchase. 

Option two: the Buyer puts out an offer, and Sellers can bid on it. 

Now, let’s talk about money. The famous starting fee for a Gig on Fiverr is five dollars. That’s about N3000, the minimum price you can charge for your services. But keep in mind that prices can vary based on the complexity and value of the service.

I know some freelancers who charge as much as $100 for gigs on Fiverr. 

When you successfully complete a Gig, you get to keep around 80% of the total amount you earned. Fiverr takes care of processing the payment securely and ensuring you get your fair share.

Before you start freelancing on Fiverr, you need to sign up. Just a quick registration process, and you’re good to go.

How Do I Set Up A Fiverr Account In Nigeria

Setting up a Fiverr account is a vital step. There’s nothing difficult about it. It’s just creating a Facebook profile. But since it’s not a social media account, here’s what you need to know before you start:

How to set up a Fiverr account and publish your first gig

Choose Your Fiverr Niche

Here’s a pro tip for you: don’t try to do it all. Instead, it’s time to discover your freelancing superpower by choosing your niche.

Forget about being a jack of all trades. It’s time to specialise and choose your niche. I’m talking about becoming an expert in a specific field.

And let me tell you, that’s where the magic happens!

Now, why is this important? 

When you specialise, clients recognise your expertise and are willing to pay top dollar for your specialised services. They know you’re the real deal, and they’re eager to work with you.

So take a moment to reflect on what you’re really good at. Are you a master of design? A wordsmith extraordinaire? A coding genius? 

Identify that one area where you excel and focus your freelancing efforts there. Trust me, it’s the key to standing out and attracting high-paying clients.

Register at

After deciding on your niche, you can begin setting up your account. Head over to and click the “Join” link at the top right-hand corner. 

Enter your email address (make sure you can access it) and choose a username and password. Be creative with your username, but keep it professional.

And remember, a strong password is a must!

Check your email for a verification link from Fiverr. Click on it to confirm you’re a real human and ready to rock.

Now, it’s time to complete your profile.

Be honest about your skills, experience, and qualifications. Show off what makes you awesome! Upload a professional profile picture and let your bio reflect your personality.

Clients will be drawn to your unique vibe.

How to Make Money on Fiverr in Nigeria

Creating an account and leaving it there will not bring in money. I’m sure you know that. So, how can you start earning? Follow the steps below:

Infographic on how to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria
Infographic on how to make money on Fiverr in Nigeria

Create and publish a Fiverr Gig

Your gig is your chance to shine and attract clients who need your awesome skills. It is simply your freelance service on Fiverr. Here’s how to do it:

Choose the category that matches your expertise, like graphics design, digital marketing, or writing. Find your sweet spot!

Give your gig a catchy title that stands out. Make it clear and exciting so clients can’t resist clicking on it.

Describe your gig in detail. Tell clients what you’ll deliver and why you’re the best choice. Be persuasive and highlight your unique talents.

Pick relevant tags that describe your gig. These help clients find you easily when they’re searching for specific services.

Set your prices based on the value you provide. Be competitive, but make sure you value your skills and expertise.

Upload eye-catching images that showcase your work. A picture speaks louder than words, so make it count!

If you have a video that shows off your gig, go ahead and upload it. Videos can grab attention and give clients a taste of what you can do.

Double-check everything, make sure it’s all accurate, and hit that publish button. Your gig is now live and ready for clients to discover.

Polish Your Skills for Fiverr

Now, here’s the secret sauce to making yourself shine on Fiverr: keep improving those skills! It’s all about standing out and getting those top-dollar gigs.

To level up, practise makes perfect. Take on personal projects or even free work that lets you flex your creative muscles. Show clients what you’re made of and leave them in awe.

But wait, there’s more! Training courses are your secret weapon. Imagine yourself becoming a digital marketing guru or a web design wizard. The possibilities are endless!

Let me introduce you to some rock-solid platforms where you can master your craft. 

  • HubSpot is your go-to for content marketing mastery. 
  • The Creative Class offers priceless insights into the world of freelancing. 

With these platforms by your side, you’ll become an unstoppable force on Fiverr.

Flaunt Your Skills with a Killer Portfolio and Testimonials

Forget the traditional qualifications in freelancing. What clients really want is to see your work and judge your abilities firsthand.

So, if you’re a superstar at what you do and can prove it with an amazing portfolio and rave reviews from clients, you’re golden.

But here’s the challenge: How do you build a portfolio when you’re just starting out?

Well, as a newbie freelancer, start by taking on small gigs and less lucrative jobs. Deliver top-notch work and gather those precious customer reviews. And don’t shy away from doing some free work for the right clients.

Those free gigs will become the foundation of your extensive portfolio and shiny testimonials. They’ll speak volumes about your skills and attract future clients like bees to honey.

Doing some free work also gives you the freedom to gain experience without the pressure of delivering mind-blowing value right away.

Boost Your Fiverr Gig’s Visibility with Smart Optimization

Creating a gig on Fiverr is just the beginning. Now, let’s tackle the challenge of getting noticed and outshining the competition.

Fiverr is a competitive marketplace. There are already established freelancers ruling the categories. But fear not! You can stand out by optimising your gig and crafting a compelling description.

Remember, Fiverr has a ranking system. The higher your gig rank, the more sales you’ll make. It’s that simple.

Here are some tricks to boost your gig’s visibility and climb the ranks:

  • Use popular keywords that match your niche in your gig description. Think “graphics design,” “logo design,” or “content writing.” Add those keywords as tags to increase your visibility.
  • Promote your gigs and profile on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and relevant forums.
  • Stay active online to show your dedication and appear more frequently in searches.
  • Secure that first sale and gather positive reviews to boost your credibility.
  • Expand your portfolio and accumulate more reviews over time.
  • Focus on delivering exceptional work and providing top-notch customer service to increase your conversion rates.
  • Consider upgrading your membership for added perks and benefits.

Wow Your Clients

To succeed and make money on Fiverr, delivering exceptional services is crucial. It’s your secret sauce to retain existing customers and attract new ones.

You can build a loyal customer base by consistently providing high-quality work and quickly reaching the coveted Fiverr top-rated seller level.

Here’s the key: Focus on offering services that you can handle comfortably without compromising on quality. Taking on projects that push your limits can make it difficult to sustain your freelancing career.

The great thing about Fiverr is that your earning potential has no bounds. It’s all up to you. So, give it your best, go above and beyond client expectations, and witness your income soar. The possibilities are endless!

How Do I Get Paid On Fiverr As A Nigerian

How Do I Get Paid On Fiverr As A Nigerian

Making money online in Nigeria can be tricky. This was one of the challenges I faced when I started out. PayPal, for some reason, won’t let Nigerians receive money.

Fortunately, there’s good news for Nigerians! Fiverr and Payoneer are partnered together, and you can use the Payoneer MasterCard as your Fiverr revenue card.

When it’s time to cash out your hard-earned Fiverr earnings in Nigeria, all you’ve got to do is choose Payoneer as your go-to payment option. It’s as simple as that.

If you’re scratching your head wondering how to get started with Payoneer, don’t worry. The process is easy. You can create an account by just visiting the Payoneer website. Follow the instructions, and you’re good to go.

You can also find other payment methods. This includes Geepay, ChipperCash, and All these make getting funds easy in Nigeria.

Just like Payoneer, you can start using any of the other options by simply visiting their website and creating an account.

Hot Skills in Demand on Fiverr

Now let’s talk about the hottest skills that are in high demand on Fiverr. These are the skills that can help you attract more clients and increase your earning potential.


You’re in luck if you have a way with words and can craft compelling copy. Online typing jobs like content writing are always in demand on Fiverr. Businesses always need persuasive content for their websites, ads, and promotional materials. You can earn as much as $500 to $2000 writing content for clients.

Graphic Design

Visuals play a crucial role in today’s digital world. If you’re skilled in graphic design, creating eye-catching logos, banners, and social media graphics can make you a sought-after freelancer. You will find many clients on Fiverr ready to pay you for your skills.

Video Editing

With the rise of YouTube, TikTok, and other video platforms, the need for skilled video editors has skyrocketed. You’ll find plenty of opportunities if you can transform raw footage into compelling videos with seamless transitions and engaging effects.

Social Media Management

Many businesses struggle to manage their social media presence effectively. You’ll be a valuable asset if you’re knowledgeable about social media platforms and can create engaging posts and manage online communities.

Website Development

In today’s digital era, businesses need well-designed and functional websites. You can earn thousands of dollars If you have web development skills, such as HTML, CSS, and WordPress.

Fiverr Alternatives in Nigeria

How to Make Money on Fiverr in Nigeria – Quick Free Guide

Looking for alternatives to Fiverr in Nigeria? Don’t worry; several freelance sites offer similar opportunities for you.


One popular option is Upwork. It’s a global platform that connects freelancers with clients worldwide. You can find various job categories, from writing and design to programming and marketing.

Another alternative is It’s a well-established platform where you can showcase your skills and bid on projects. With a large client base, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to find work that suits your expertise.


If you’re more focused on creative services, 99designs is worth exploring. It’s a platform specifically for designers, where you can participate in design contests or work directly with clients on projects.

For those interested in remote work and virtual assistance, is a great choice. It offers a curated list of remote job opportunities in various fields, including customer service, writing, marketing, and more. is another platform that offers a wide range of freelance jobs. From programming and IT to business consulting and design, you can find projects that match your skills and interests.

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